
Provide a temporary home away from home setting where the patient is tended to by knowledgeable and compassionate staff.

Clinical team members will help maintain and promote a state of optimal wellness for the patient and family.

Prevent unnecessary costly visits or admissions to a higher level of care than needed.

What can we do to assist the patient/ family during a TEMP admission?

  1. Review child’s growth and development
  2. Review and adjust feedings
  3. Review and adjust medications
  4. Skin integrity assessment and treatment
  5. Evaluate therapy devices and equipment needs
  6. Ensure that all DME supplies are ordered for discharge
  7. Devise a Nursing care plan
  8. Provide a Respiratory care plan
  9. Assist with Developmental/Education Plan

Continuity of Care:

  1. Ensure that medical records are sent to the appropriate providers and guardians
  2. Social Work assessment of post discharge services
  3. Homecare nursing staff are welcome to the bedside to review patient care
  4. Provide ongoing education for families to ensure they are prepared to care for their child at home
  5. Comprehensive discharge planning for patients

Circumstances for a TEMP hospital stay may include:

  1. Sudden illness of a caretaker
  2. Loss of electricity or another vital utility in the home
  3. Family no longer has housing
  4. Caregivers need education for a new therapy or procedure
  5. Caregivers must travel and cannot take the child for safety reasons
  6. Caregivers have decided that they can no longer care for a medically fragile child
  7. End of life care
  8. Family needs help to identify alternate longer term care options

How does the approved admission help the insurance company?

  1. Saves money by eliminating ER visits and admissions to a higher level of care
  2. Less disruptions in home nursing
  3. Less children needing Long Term Care facilities
  4. Patients have less exposure to other illnesses which could compromise their health and care

How does this help the home caregivers?

  1. Decreases stress on the family and create a healthier home environment
  2. Increases caregivers’ confidence in their ability to care for their children/child
  3. Increases job satisfaction and decrease burnout for home care nurses

To learn more, contact us.

Pediatric Specialty Hospital & Child’s Way Admissions
The Children’s Home
5324 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh PA 15224

(412) 345 – 7983
