Overwhelmed when starting the adoption process? Unsure of what type of adoption is best for your family or even if it is best for you to adopt? We can help!
The Children’s Home has more than 125 years of experience supporting families through their adoptions. Scheduling a meeting with an adoption social worker can help you to understand all of the adoption possibilities that are available today and help you decide what type of adoption is best for your family.
We can answer typical questions like:
- What are the different types of adoption?
- Is adoption or another path to parenthood best for us?
- Which type of adoption is best for us?
- How do I navigate legal matters?
- What is the difference between a facilitator and an agency?
- What is involved in adopting a child from another state?
- What does it mean to have an open adoption?
- About how long does the adoption process take?
- What are the average fees for the different types of adoption?
We also can address anything specific to your family. This one on one session is has a $50 fee and can be scheduled by reaching out to Erika Schmitt, Director of Adoption and Permanency Services, at 412-441-4884 or eschmitt@chomepgh.org.
If you need support specific to infertility, click here.